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Your Ultimate Guide To Becoming a Plaza Princess

plaza princess pink tweed outfit

Wondering what is a plaza princess and how to become it? This the ultimate guide that will guarantee you of becoming a plaza princess girly.

What is a plaza princess?

eloise cartton pictures

A plaza princess is a aesthetic that has always been around but people didn’t have a name for it. Recently on TikTok a creator named the aesthetic then it went viral. Now everyone wants to achieve this aesthetic. The plaza princess is also inspired from Eloise a young fictional character that live at the plaza hotel (a luxurious hotel in New York city). She has rich parents that are not home most of the time. Her nanny lives with her and basically is her guardian The whole story takes off from there and shows her adventure and experience living in a five start hotel. It’s basically insinuating that she gets that princess treatment and lives a princess like life .

The Eloise Franchise started from books, then a cartoon tv series , a movie and you can actually book a Eloise room and experience other Eloise themed things at the plaza hotel in New York city. It’s basically Eloise all grown up.

Other tv series such as Gilmore girls and gossip girls have characters that live in New York city that has families that come from wealth. These characters dress and act classy. They’re families are very wealthy which makes them be able dine in high end restaurants, go to high end private schools ,have chauffer’s and overall getting the princess treatment.

Here is a video form of what is a plaza princess that ties in perfectly with this post

What is a plaza Princess

Is a girl that is confident and really ambitious. She has big dreams and nothing will stop her from living her glamourous life. Her fashion sense is elegant and preppy, classy and chic, ladylike but with a strong personality and conservative and regal. when she style herself she tends to be very much inspired from british royals and wealthy people that live on 5th ave.

A color that is her favorite is of course pink! but she still like have fun other colors. Accessories like pearls , bows, gold jeweler and berets, a must in her wardrobe. Favorite hobbies is shopping, going to fancy cafes and restaurants and hosting glamours parties. Usually she always has a pet dog. She’s eloquent and very well spoken. Fall and winter is the season she thrives in. Overall a plaza princess is a very high maintenance rich girly girl who lives in a city.

This is the step by step ultimate guide to becoming a plaza princess


Being a plaza princess you have to have your your life somewhat organized. You have to have everything in your bedroom organized and clean. You want to have drawers dedicated for each thing so makeup , underwear jewelry , skin care perfume etc , all have to be put altogether in a organized manner. Having a messy space can drive a plaza princess crazy.

All your clothes must to be neatly folded or put on a hanger. Color coordination is a plus.

Plaza Princess Fashion

plaza core ,  plaza princess out fit, tweed outfits

Tweed is a must in a plaza princess’s closet. everything from jackets ,pants, skirts, dresses and even purse can be in tweed material. Tweed has regal and conservative look to it that will always look put to together. Wearing a dress that just hits right before the top of your knee’s is one timeless look. Other fabrics that are often used are cotton, knit ,lace detailing , mesh and silk. Cardigans, sweaters, blazers , tops with buttons downs. For Bottoms skirt or pants work really well. A way that a lot of people call this fashion is Chanel core or plaza core.


ballerina shoes, black loafers

Shoes are one of the most important pieces to put together a outfit. But to get the ultimate plaza princess look you need to have Mary janes (heeled or regular), ballerina shoes(heeled or regular), Loafers, knee high boots and heels for specials occasions.


light pink bow in hair, pearls and gold jewels

Accessorizing will add a regal type of vibe to your outfit. Some main clothing accessories are knee high socks, ankles socks with ruffle detailing, gloves, mittens, (white, black, and red stockings) and scarfs. Head accessories will be headbands, bows, and berets. when you accessories with jewelery you can never go wrong with pearls or gold that will be your best friend. from earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings just make sure theirs either gold or pearls. But sometimes you can mix it up and add colorful jewelry’s like teal, pink or green.

Color Palette

The plaza princess deals with various colors but the base colors that won’t ever change is pink, cream ,white and black. Those are colors you will see everywhere with a plaza princess.

There’s often time where you want to add color to the palette but you have to make sure to use at least to base color and incorporate a pop of a different color.



When decorating for the princess plaza aesthetic you have to think luxury , hotel ,antique , ornate , girly and shabby chic. It’s really a more is more less is more situation. you want to have gold accents every where but with a ornate and antique feel. you can have them on mirrors , door or drawer knobs, bed head board , light fixatures, picture frames and sometimes on the wall or ceiling detailing. you want to one or more of the four base color in the room which are (pink, white, cream and black). after incorporating these you then can add any color you want.

For all the furniture in the room like bed sheets, headboards ,a princess always needs a vanity so make sure get one vanity desk/chair, or mirrors make sure they all have a antique luxurious look.


love to eat at breakfast at tiffany’s (just kidding) but you love going out to fancy restaurants and cafes. You love meeting new people. Hosting luxurious parties is your specialty. Shopping , learning how to play a new instrument or language.


When you are a princess plaza you want to have a high value career. you want to think big and think money. Living a luxurious lifestyle is not easy and there’s a lot of work that has to be done in the back end. Some career options are blogging, running your parents or family member successful business’ , work at a high end fashion company but not in the store or running your own successful business.


you can’t just be pretty and dumb. A plaza princess has to make sure here grades are good and actually is smart. This looks better on your resume and your overall lifetime.


Overall being a plaza princess is not for everyone. Not everyone can keep up with this lavish lifestyle. You have to have patient ,practice and fun. This is a very high maintenece lifestyle that is actually very fun, you just have to have the mean’s to keep up with it.

This was one of our favorite post to write about. it’s a up coming aesthetic that is here to stay. Any questions? don’t hesitate to leave them below

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